Contentment the Greatest Treasure

Start date: 26th January 2019
End date: 27th January 2019
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Portrush Town Hall, Northern Ireland

With Susan Browne and Olivier Riché

The practice of Meditation enables us to develop a deep contentment and be less disturbed by whatever we encounter in our day to day lives. The practice of Loving Kindness allows us to experience increased contentment. The practice of contemplation helps us sort out our priorities by reflecting on what is most important and what will bring us true contentment; ultimately making our lives as meaningful as possible.

During this weekend, Susan and Olivier will guide us through the steps of meditation, contemplation and Loving Kindness and we will learn how we can use these methods to make our lives as meaningful as possible.
Suitable for beginners and for those with some background in meditation.


Susan Browne has over 25 years experience of meditation, contemplation and compassion practices. She has been guiding groups and individuals on retreat at Dzogchen Beara Retreat Centre in Ireland and at the Institute of Wisdom and Compassion, France for more than 20 years.




Olivier Riché portraitOlivier Riché has 20 years experience of meditation practice and has been guiding practices and instructing since 2012. He worked for three years at Dzogchen Beara Retreat Centre in Ireland where he has facilitated many retreats and guided meditations.




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