Personal Guidance in Facing Challenges

We all experience unwanted circumstances at some point in our lives. Through the practice of deep meditation and mindfulness we can come to know our own mind and learn to be at ease with whatever we encounter, even when strong emotions arise such as anger, anxiety, and loss. We can also learn to embrace difficult changes and challenges with compassion, both for ourselves and for others.

„ My sessions with Susan had the effect of settling my mind and giving me the space and the tools to reflect deeply and understand what was really going on for me. I always feel more at ease with myself at the end of a session with Susan, she is highly intuitive and offers tremendous insights and advice in her unique approach. “

Martin B, Cork

✓ Learn meditation and compassion practices to heal yourself
✓ Learn how to face difficult challenges with a deeper self-respect
✓ Avoid those awful same old loops in your head
✓ And avoid unhelpful habits so to walk forward with greater confidence

You may have already tried meditation, but couldn’t make it work for you. Through personal guidance you can be guided to arrive at a meditation practice that is personally suitable to you. Maybe you have heard of meditation and compassion practices and would now like to develop specific methods suited to help you with the challenges your everyday presents.

Individual sessions with Susan Browne in West Cork, Ireland or online by Zoom

€50 for one hour


Meditation support groups with Susan Browne online by Zoom 

Wednesdays 7 to 8pm Irish time
Four sessions for €50 

„ I have experienced Susan as an exceptionally non-judgmental empathetic listener. In our talks I always felt so comfortable that I could say absolutely anything, without holding back. Susan helped me open up perspectives that I couldn’t see before, because of this I gained great clarity and confidence in the next steps to take in my life and work. “

Saskia B, Amsterdam

Upcoming Events

Steps to Freedom

Start date: 13th September 2024
End date: 15th September 2024
Location: Dzogchen Beara
Steps to Freedom

Stages of the Spiritual Path
with Susan Browne & Anne Sheehan

You may have attended a meditation course or retreat and have a daily meditation practice, which is wonderful. But do you know that you can progress further and go deeper into learning how to transform unhelpful negative thoughts and emotions? The essence of all Buddhist teachings is to arrive at lasting peace and happiness through transforming the mind. You can free yourself.

Embracing Change – Online

Start date: 17th October 2024
End date: 5th December 2024
Location: Online
Embracing Change

8 Week Online Course
Cultivating Resilience through the Wisdom of Contemplation
with Susan Browne and Anne Sheehan

Learn how to contemplate in the Buddhist tradition and specifically focus on how in life everything is constantly changing. Contemplation is the practice of being fully present—in heart, mind, and body—to what is, in a way that allows you to creatively respond and work toward what could be.