
Upcoming Events

Exploring Buddhist Wisdom in Action

Start date: 2nd May 2025
End date: 5th May 2025
Location: Dzogchen Beara

Exploring Buddhist Wisdom in Action (Six Paramitas)
with Susan Browne, Rob Van Willegen and Anne Sheehan
Friday 2 May, 7:30pm to Monday 5 May, 1pm

How would it be if we were truly able to bring Buddhist wisdom into our daily lives? One particular approach is by exploring the meaning and application of the six transcendental perfections or six paramitas. These six are: generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, meditation and wisdom.

Steps to Freedom

Start date: 5th September 2025
End date: 7th September 2025
Location: Dzogchen Beara
Steps to Freedom event's featured image

Stages of the Spiritual Path
with Susan Browne & Anne Sheehan
Friday 5 September, 7.30pm to Sunday 7 September, 1pm

You may have attended a meditation course or retreat and have a daily meditation practice, which is wonderful. But do you know that you can progress further and go deeper into learning how to transform unhelpful negative thoughts and emotions? The essence of all Buddhist teachings is to arrive at lasting peace and happiness through transforming the mind. You can free yourself.

Past Events

Exploring Mind and Its Essence

Start date: 31st January 2025
End date: 3rd February 2025
Location: Dzogchen Beara
Exploring Mind and Its Essence event's featured image

Weekend Retreat with Susan Browne and Rob Van Willegen
Friday 31 January, 7.30pm to Monday 3 February, 1pm

In meditation, we often speak about the mind and its nature, but do we really understand what me mean when we say ‘mind’? Most people think of the mind as being merely thoughts and emotions, but these are simply the appearances of the mind, not the true nature of the mind itself.

A Gift to Ourselves – Online

Start date: 28th December 2024
End date: 30th December 2024
Location: Dzogchen Beara
A Gift to Ourselves event's featured image

3 Part Morning Retreat on Love and Compassion with Susan Browne
Saturday 28, Sunday 29 & Monday 30 December, 10am – 12:30pm daily (Irish Time)

Over these three mornings, Susan will introduce Meditation, Loving-Kindness and Compassion experientially, looking at ways how we can incorporate these practices into our lives so that we can cultivate a deeper sense of warmth and kindness towards ourselves and then be able to extend that to others.

Embracing Change – Online

Start date: 17th October 2024
End date: 5th December 2024
Location: Online
Embracing Change

8 Week Online Course
Cultivating Resilience through the Wisdom of Contemplation
with Susan Browne and Anne Sheehan

Learn how to contemplate in the Buddhist tradition and specifically focus on how in life everything is constantly changing. Contemplation is the practice of being fully present—in heart, mind, and body—to what is, in a way that allows you to creatively respond and work toward what could be.

Steps to Freedom

Start date: 13th September 2024
End date: 15th September 2024
Location: Dzogchen Beara
Steps to Freedom

Stages of the Spiritual Path
with Susan Browne & Anne Sheehan

You may have attended a meditation course or retreat and have a daily meditation practice, which is wonderful. But do you know that you can progress further and go deeper into learning how to transform unhelpful negative thoughts and emotions? The essence of all Buddhist teachings is to arrive at lasting peace and happiness through transforming the mind. You can free yourself.

Exploring Mind and Its Essence

Start date: 19th April 2024
End date: 21st April 2024
Location: Dzogchen Beara

Weekend Retreat with Susan Browne and Rob Van Willegen
Event offered by Dzogchen Beara

In meditation, we often speak about the mind and its nature, but do we really understand what me mean when we say ‘mind’? Most people think of the mind as being merely thoughts and emotions, but these are simply the appearances of the mind, not the true nature of the mind itself.

Exploring Buddhist Wisdom in Action

Start date: 15th March 2024
End date: 18th March 2024
Location: Dzogchen Beara

Bank Holiday Weekend Retreat on The Six Paramitas
with Susan Browne and Rob Van Willegen

How would it be if we were truly able to bring Buddhist wisdom into our daily lives? One particular approach is by exploring the meaning and application of the six transcendental perfections or six paramitas. These six are: generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, meditation and wisdom.