Exploring Mind and Its Essence

Start date: 31st January 2025
End date: 3rd February 2025
Time: 7:30 pm - 1:00 pm
Location: Dzogchen Beara

Weekend Retreat with Susan Browne and Rob Van Willegen
Friday 31 January, 7.30pm to Monday 3 February, 1pm

In meditation, we often speak about the mind and its nature, but do we really understand what me mean when we say ‘mind’? Most people think of the mind as being merely thoughts and emotions, but these are simply the appearances of the mind, not the true nature of the mind itself.

The Buddhist teachings show us that, at our core, there is an expansive source of well being often described as our ‘fundamental goodness’. Understanding the mind and its true nature is the way for us to discover and experience this goodness and the wisdom we inherently possess.

Join us for this step by step exploration of mind and its essence to discover a happiness and well being that does not depend on circumstances.

At the moment of his enlightenment the Buddha realised that the mind’s essence, the nature of mind, resides in each and every one of us. Unveiling the nature of mind is sometimes said to be like losing the clouds and gaining the sky, where the clouds are a metaphor for our ordinary thoughts and emotions.

Who is this for?

This retreat is for anyone even if you are a complete beginner. You do not have to be a Buddhist to join this retreat. If you bring your common sense, a bit of humour and an open attitude, you’ll be in good stead.

Our exploration during this retreat will take a very experiential and relaxed approach.

“Just as a goldsmith would test his gold by burning, cutting, and rubbing it, so you must examine my words and accept them but not merely out of reverence for me.” Buddha

What to expect

  • Each session of this retreat will deepen our understanding of mind and its essence.
  • Every session will include guided meditations.
  • We will build up on explanations gradually throughout the weekend.
  • There will be space to contemplate what you have heard.
  • Sometimes we will invite you to share your insights with others.
  • There will be space to ask questions.
  • You will go home with advice on how to integrate what you learned into daily life.


The retreat will be held in our newly opened Temple, which is a modern example of a traditional Tibetan monastery designed to be an inspiring symbol of the Buddha’s teachings for our times.


Vegetarian lunches and evening meals are provided as part of your fee.