8 Week Online Course
with Susan Browne and Anne Sheehan
“Nothing is permanent, except change” The Buddha
Contemplative practices form the basis of many wisdom traditions. During this eight-week course we will learn how to contemplate in the Buddhist tradition and will specifically focus on how in life everything is constantly changing.
Much as we would like to control how things work out, we cannot always do that, which can lead to unhappy states of mind. When we contemplate deeply from the space of meditation we can develop more space, humour, perspective and be better prepared to flow with how life unfolds. We can begin to embrace the possibilities that change can bring.
This course will include guided meditation and contemplations, discussion, and advice on how to integrate meditation and contemplation into our everyday life.
Embracing Change offers a practical, compassionate approach to support you in contemplating and adapting to life’s challenges.
“I found this course to be instrumental in helping me to embrace change in my life. The technique of alternating contemplation and rest was a powerful way to instill changes from my mind into my heart. I met a very open and warm community on this course and it was a very restorative experience.” Aileen
We look forward to seeing you on-line!